
Blockchain-based Proof of Location

Companies often require a verifiable Proof of Location, but traditional metrics like GPS are easy to spoof. Geo introduces a model for generating Proofs of Location centered around fixed nodes distributed across the world.

Smart Contracts and other applications can be built on top of the Geo protocol, allowing anyone to implement Proof of Location.

Use Cases

  • Loyalty Rewards: Businesses can use Geo to track when customers visit their store. From this, a rewards program can be built which is impossible to cheat.
  • Meetup Tracker: Via a Smart Contract, participants can pool together money when making plans for a meeting. Upon completion of the meeting, Geo Proof of Location is used to confirm the users which attended and automatically disperse funds.
  • Geocaching / Pokemon Go: A fully decentralized geocaching game could be built on Geo, requiring Proof of Location to claim items.
  • Delivery Verifiability: Delivery companies can use Geo to establish check-in nodes for their drivers. The drivers must receive a signature from the node, providing proof that packages have been delivered.

Geo Libraries

  • Node: Nodes are devices spread across the world in fixed location. Users communicate with the nodes via Bluetooth to generate a signed Proof of Location message.
  • Server: A hosted server holds a list of known public Proofs of Locations, providing a queryable API
  • User Client: Users use the Geo universal mobile app to connect to devices and store Proofs of Locations. Users can elect to generate private Proofs of Location, stored only on their device.
  • Probabilistic Proof of Location: A Smart Contract to verify Proofs of Location on the blockchain, using a probabilistic model to protect user privacy.
  • Sample Contract: A sample contract built on the Geo network to facilitate in-person meetups. Uses Geo Proof of Location to disperse funds back to users who attended.